Tuesday, September 19, 2006

as promised...

layout two- this is the one where I decided to run with the bizarre photo! Lots of doodlyness, lots of fancy pants paper and ribbon...actually quite like it- a bit different for me!

some other stuff- a bottlecap bracelet featuring all those glam starlets...the colour ran a bit, but I quite like it (its pink lol)

and a birdhouse- I bought this when Boo Angela and Katrina came down for the day (we missed you jobean!) this was a poundland buy!


Anonymous said...

love the bracelet - very funky x

Shirley said...

I love the birdhouse can I move in?

greyparrot said...

you can yes...but your brain knife can NOT!

Shirley said...

HUH! Jen still has that confisticated!

Can you persuade her to give it back? She listens to you!

joanna said...

Rena, me and Ange were wondering about a return visit :D - you fancy it, darlin'? I wubs the little birdhouse - need to get me to Poundland, I think :) xx

Anonymous said...

Fab stuff, that bracelet is really cool, do me one, lol!

greyparrot said...

ohhhhhh YES jo!!!!! Anytime!

Anonymous said...

I love the birdhouse! Can just see my new little family in there.. Lol!

jk x