Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tis done!

Got my tattoo done 2 hours ago- and man alive I freakin love it!
I can't stop looking at it!

So first off a huge shout out and massive thanks to Rhonna Farrer for the designs...much love to ya doll (love the new hair too!) will email the pics over to you :)

kk- first pic- the outside of my foot

and a close up- it is still quite grubby because the ink ran through the lines of my foot, this will clean up when I have a shower so it will look a lot tidier

Love it love it love it!


Anonymous said...

it's beautiful, hmmm i'm seeing a tattoo/tootsies lo coming on ... hugz x

Jen said...

Scrummy yummy! I'm sooooo wanting a tat there - like I said, my sis has one and I've been tempted for years. I might just go ahead!

greyparrot said...

GO ON JEN! You know you want to! I promise it was no where near as bad as I though :D

Susan said...

love it! really funky

Mel said...

It looks lush and Yay to Rhonna for letting you use her design :) Mel x