Thursday, June 29, 2006

shoot me down...

go on, I deserve it after publicly resolving to update more!
Sooo- busy coupla weeks. I have done a piece of work for scrapbook inspirations magazine, on a short deadline too- so that had to take priority, and was on it's way by saturday! I seem to work well under pressure though lol! Also got a gorgeous message from Mandy about doing something for CS mag too! *big smiles all round* I lubs Mandy and am really looking forward to this one!

Couple of pics from yesterday- met up with somebody who I haven't seen for the longest time too- thought it would be weird but strangely- it was fine!

Jasmine had her first ever fall yesterday! She was trying jumping out- did her first proper jump on her own (she has only done it by being led over before) but on the second attempt she broke into a canter over the jump and flew round Daisy's neck a la Tarzan stylee by the reins, and this is where she landed lol!

And this is my lil peach, Caitlin bless her. In the kitchen all togged up in an apron and marigolds. The task in hand? 'I cookin a cake'! Love her!

Also I need to 'big up' this compo.

The lovely Sue has set a challenge over at the lounge. Simply show her how you have used angel kisses, and you could win a prize of yet more angel kisses! Now come on- you ALL need these in your stash!


suebaru said...

Oooh gorgeous photo ;) !!
Love that pic of Caitlin too!

Anonymous said...

Hope Jasmine is alright bless her!! Love the photo of Caitlin, what a honey!!! Well done on your mag stuff, you deserve it

Take care



Paula - Buenos Aires said...

How´s Jasmine? She looks quite surprised but not hurt. Love the sun playing on Caitlin´s hair. And those flowers! Yums. :)

greyparrot said...

Yes girls Jasmine is absolutely fine (she was wearing a back protector too) should have added that really! Her teacher got her straight back on and ran her round the jump again. So she isn't scared!

domestic goddess said...

woohoo, so pleased to see you are getting the recognition you deserve hun :)