Saturday, April 29, 2006

How much?!

Eyes tested..specs ordered! I fell in love with the above beauties ages ago...

so bought these as well! Simila design only in a browny reddish colour!
£200 later! (FCUK £125 per pair plus coatings, but they gave me £99 off if I bought a 2nd pair)
Bless my Nan- she bought them for me, I didn't want her too but she hid a stash of money in my bag and threaten to hit me round the head with a saucepan if I gave it back!
I've had the same specs for about 6+years and my eye test confirmed that my astigmatism has changed so I would have had to had new glasses anyway...these are falling to pieces-with the help of Simba. I know this is a boring subject but a huge thumbs up to dolland and aitchinson. They have been FAB today. They asked if I get headaches, which yes I have been...however when the optician looked inside my eyes she looked a bit alarmed and asked if I have had nausea and vomiting. Again yes (part of my original symptoms which is why they took so much blood!)...she has instructed me that if it continues she wants me to be refferred to a neurologist! Which again gives me the worry that it is infact a brain tumour like we orignally thought...but the optician will ring if she finds any abnormalities with the extra tests they did. They gave me lots of extra tests while I was there, just to check everything over cos of these headaches...and one nice chap took me into a dark room and asked me to dress up like a pirate and play space invaders with him! Oooher! Service with a smile eh?! (it was actually a cool machine to test my peripherererereral field of vision...or summat!)
Soooo get me new specs next week...cant wait and I am sure you are all thoroughly bored now!

Got the latest scrapbook inspirations mag today, Best of British is announced in this issue and it was great to see me and Anna in this issue. Thanks to Jane Dean for the tip off lol!
The layouts look great but I have to agree with every word Anna uttered on her blog yesterday about it all...still, we should be incredibly proud with what we have achieved :)

Friday, April 28, 2006


I sooooo need to get hold of this book but keep missing out! It is selling like hotcakes here in the UK and I think I am gonna go buy it in the US! I just cannot wait any longer!

Just a quick post, will do a more thorough update when I get the pics back from Sunday, they used Victorias pics in a couple of newspapers and she was on the front page no less!

Anyway back to freestylin...if you haven't seen it already go wrap your creativeness around the freestyling blog

I have been in need of a creatively artistic outlet for a while layouts are so clean and simple-which is great and that is how I love it...but then I have to go a bit wild and usually channel it into atcs/altered stuff. To the point that today and yesterday I have been painting! Proper painting on canvas pads! Very contemporary and 'loose' but so needed. I think it is good for me that I can 'hear' my inner artstic voice! Anyhoodle...go check out the blog!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Good news, bad news

So, doctors yesterday and last test results are back...
Hormone levels are going back down which means that it looks far less likely that it is the brain tumour (non cancerous usually) that we feared...however my liver enzymes are still really high so they want to retest that again in about 8 weeks, as that could be what is causing all my symptoms. Now I will point out, when people say liver you normally think 'alcohol'...I can assure you I am not a big drinker, in fact I haven't had a single alcoholic drink for ages (I think the last was february!). So not all bad! I have decided against treatment just now. I really don't want to pump my body full of drugs to try and treat the symptoms, at least until we know exactly what we are dealing with. Doctor was very supportive of this, and left the decision to me. I love doctors that let you choose your own path with things like this!

Did a bit of scrapping at the weekend for the uks cybercrop, made a few atcs too. Fave layout from the weekend is this one (poopsie pic sorry- it is all straight irl) which was a challenge by Tara Whitney love love loved doing this one...

I can now confirm I will be going to a fab event in September at cotswold keepsakes and cannot wait! An afternoon of classes with our very own Kirkyloolaa and none other than the equally gorgeous Emily Falconbridge Do you know I have never ever been to a crop/class/ I mega excited about this!

Mum had a fab afternoon sunday...she was the star attraction at a service held at the beautiful Gloucester Cathedral. Will update more on that when I have the pics...but it was all rather swish! And the newspaper wants to interview her too! ooohlala!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Busy bees...

Look at her go! This was taken with a lot of zoom too! Jasmine has also learnt recently how to ride her bike without we took her out on the cycle path, and man oh man can she ride well! Never one to do things by halves lol! So proud of her...she is having a bit of a rough time at the is just a phase, but infuriating and saddening at the same time. I am naming this the 'obsessively worry' phase! So I bought her a worry angel in a cute box (J loves trinkety things) so that may help...or it will sit on her shelf in her bedroom! We had a lovely day Saturday, just me and J, nothing exciting. We spent the morning playing on the playstation, sorting beads out, then shopping. But it was sooo nice! I did however get collared into promising her that if/when I get married she can be my bridesmaid- this was all born out of a love for the bridesmaid dresses in debenhams!

What a cutie! And this time I don't mean J! This is a gosling, not very old at all...and he was BEAUTIFUL! Totally cuddly snuggly lushness! And now I want one!
Saw the lambing, some only just born, and it was wonderful...this was at our local farm park. Lots and lots of baby critters...lambs goats ducks chickens (Del Rodney and Albert!) lovely day had by all until J threw a wobbler so we abandoned the idea and went home!

Off out to the stables in about 10 the rain yuk!
Hope you are all well -x-

Saturday, April 15, 2006

She never fails to amaze me...

...and I truly mean that!
I said it wouldn't be long until she took her first jump, but I didn't think it would be this quick!
Yes, Jasmine did her first (and second) jump this week! She has only been cantering for a few weeks, but she bloody did it! AND she stayed on. She nearly came a cropper after the second jump, but she held on round Lettie's neck and rectified the situation pronto! That's my girl...and she is still only FIVE years old! That is what is so shocking I think!

Had a busy week this week, decided to redo my studio (that's what I call it when I am feeling posh!) added some new cheapo units from argos, and I can feel the mojo flowing through already! is to a better organised creative experience!

Will do a better update tomorrowish...just thought I would let you know I AM alive still, and wish you all a very happy easter :)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Out of the mouths of babes...

Bad bad blogger- I am sorry it's just been one of those weeks!

First off a huge thank you to the girls at scrap pad. Fab fab fab cyber crop this weekend!
Will post some of my creations below.

So, the reason for my title today?
Jasmine. My sweet lil angel!
Meant to blog about this before now, but hey ho better late than never!
She gave me a little handmade envelope, containing this treasure:

How lush is that! For those not au fait with 5 year old's spelling it translates as:

I love you because you are
Love Jasmine

OMG I welled up, she flung her arms around me, kissed me and said, 'I made this for you because you are all of those things'
Lump in the throat or what?!
I am so blessed to have this little darling in my life.
You can always count on her to make you feel better no matter how lousy things are!

So, other happenings this week...erm normal stuff...Jas is on half term so we have been at the stables (in the glorious sunshine) her riding is just amazing now, I am so proud of her...she can canter really well now. Bear in mind she has only done cantering in three lessons! It won't be long until she is jumping!

Docs this week too for results from blood tests, doc can't figure out what is going on, one of my hormone levels was high, and one of my liver enzyme levels is through the roof. So she has put me on some meds to try and prevent the headaches. To be honest I haven't even got the prescription, and don't think I will. It knocks you out to the point you physically cannot get out of bed. No way. Not an option. She did say I could regulate the dose myself but I really don't want to take that risk.
So she has re-ordered the blood tests, so another four bottles of blood sucked out my arm! Had angel nurse though, and never even felt the needle go in, even though I watched the whole thing! Thank Christ she is permanent at my surgery now!

Other news- some of you know we were taking an official body to court (daren't say too much on a public blog lol) on behalf of my Grandad. He started it all before he died. Anyway, they admited liability from the start, and made an offer. The bloody solicitor accepted the offer. We hadn't decided, and certainly hadn't given the solicitor instructions to accept!
Nan just wants it over and done with, so we are leaving it be.
And do you know what my Nan is gonna buy with her piddly amount (considering the circumstances it really is piddly)? A pair of slippers! Bless her. I love my Nan!

Cyber crop creations:
Didn't get as much done as I would like, but there is time to do more!
A couple of my faves-these were classes by Anna.

Love love love this layout- not often I am this happy with a layout, but combine my bootiful, fave lil man, with my favest lishest urban couture paper (thanks again Ali!), and my fave style of scrapping, and, well YUM!

This was a coaster class by Anna, but as I didn't have a coaster (shocking behaviour) I made a mini wall hanging. Of course as I was so happy with my layout, I made this to match. It is now hanging in my scrap room from a shelf unit. (pic shows it on my new easel lol)

Hope everyone is well...hugs to Beth who is feeling a bit like I do today! Chin up chicker!
ttfn -x-

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Houdini...or Houdinky if you will...

So, let me set the scene. Mum was here, and I was upstairs. She comes up and says I need to get back downstairs. So, I follow her down...and there is Simba happily playing on his cage. Note how the front and back door to his cage are both shut AND LOCKED! Around each side of his cage are thick pieces of perspex that are slotted in on the outside, the cage is designed like that to stop bits of food and stuff being flicked over the floor. Simba has managed to remove one of these, from the inside of his cage...and the next picture shows the tiny hole he managed to squeeze himself through! I was gobsmacked to say the least. And he did it all without being heard, until he appeared hanging off the door frame going 'ooooooooooh' to Mum! ROFL!
Clever little schnoodle he is!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

tis a social whirl!

Well the last week has been anyway!
Been to the stables, dinner with friends, watched teenage-end-of-the-world-forever-blubbing, and hobnobbed at the nec since my last update!
This is clevercut's stall at the nec, so happy that things are going so well for them :) Had pressies too ;)
Had a great day catching up with people, shopping galore, and of course gossiping!

Paul made a fabby board with all the samples on that I did, I almost blushed in public!
So, this week I need to catch up on everything I didn't get done last week...and of course I have the dreaded docs in the morning-hopefully she should have my test results back...I have been really calm through all of this, but am cacking it now! It isn't helping my creativity either...I have been sat at this desk for about 5 hours trying to make atcs, and it just isn't happening!
I have also been doing my own take on Rhonna Farrers {21 day challenge, see here for details. I am finding it great so far. I am trying to do a 'pretty quote album' filled with all of these fabulous quotes that Rhonna has put together...I figure they will either inspire me or give me a good kick up the behind when I need it! It is fairly therapeutic too :) Thanks Rhonna!
So here are my efforts so far, I have hidden bits when I felt I needed to add personal stuff :)
Day one- used this as a kind of intro page

Day two- glitterama!

Day three- this is actually pink swirlies, but the pics are so naff it looks white (in my defence I was taking them just before I had to rinse the dye out of my hair!)

Right gotta run-it is 8.20 I am bidding on ebay in some nasty war with someone else, I need to have a bath and be all sorted by 9pm when I need to be back to listen to a live gig KT Tunstall did in a pub which is on the radio!
TTFN -x-